REVIEW EDITOR: To Mr. G. T., Wisconsin (October issue): I read your letter in the REVIEW and I understand exactly what you are going through for I, too, am Catholic. We both know how they feel about homosexuality. I have tried many times to understand my behavior towards the same sex and only became more confused. I talked to a priest who became so shocked I ran out almost crying. I try and do date girls but I still have that feeling. Maybe we should write each other and tell our problems.-Mr. P. J., Illinois
REVIEW EDITOR: I have been told there are a number of clubs in most large cities where one can meet and become acquainted with other people. I have not been able to locate any. Can you advise where to get an application for membership in a club? A friend of mine recently told me about a magazine, "one." I failed to find it at at any stand in Chicago or New York.
where I asked. Is there such a magazine, and how can I get a sample copy?-Mr.A. B., Illinois
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mattachine Society has branch offices in several cities (see page 3; one is in process of establishing an address in Chicago). But these are not social clubs. They are established to advance the Society's aims of education, research and social service. One, Inc., 232 S. Hill St., Los Angeles 12, publishes ONE magazine (now entering Its 8th year) and will send a sample copy for 50c. But neither One nor Mattachine operates a social club setup-"pen-pal" or otherwise. REVIEW EDITOR: Some friends and I are starting a Discussion Group to deal with various sexual problems, etc. Do hope you can and will both provide materials and advise us.-Mr. R. L. S., Mo.
cisco) political campaign a vicious effort. was made to smear the honor and integrity of our mayor and cĺty. I am pleased that this effort failed in its purpose. In several of the newspaper items about the smear, the name of the Mattachine Society was mentioned. My intentions at the time were to call or write you for more information, but other activities intervened... My object in writing is not mere idle curiosity. I am really interested to know more, and although I am not a homosexual or devlate, I have several very close friends who are so the subject is not unfamiliar to me. My first contact with a homosexual was when as a boy of 17 I became confidential with our family doctor. He trusted me to keep the affair secret and made me promise not to tell anyone. This doctor was a man of 35 or 40m very kind and friendly and was Ilked by everyone. I was from childhood on always taught never to tell a story about anyone. This rule I have faithfully followed all of my life. I have never betrayed anyone's confidence in me.
I have during my life had the opportunity to meet with many sex deviates, not all of them homosexual, and in frequent frank talks with them on various subjects of sex aberrations and all its angles I have become very tolerant and understanding. Nothing would surprise me now. It is my firm belief that extreme tolerance should be shown on all matters pertaining to the sex life of both men and women, and If at any time I can be of help to someone in trouble because of the pseudo-virtue of present-day society, I am willing to ren der what help I can. I read that one of the aims of the Mattachine Society as stated in the newspaper article is to "further and gain acceptance of the belief of sexual equality for all people, and to dispel the Idea that sex variants are unique, queer or unusual." If that is true, then I am in EDITOR'S NOTE: We are always pleased full sympathy with your alms.-Mr. A., San to learn that new, serious discussion groups are being started in various localIties to consider adult sex problems. The Education Department of the Society will sypply information materials for any such groups and assist them in becoming af filiated with the Society when this is im dicated.
REVIEW EDITOR: In the recent (San Fran
EDITOR'S NOTE: Writer of the above letter has visited us at one of our public activities. "There should have been a Mat tachine Society 75 years ago," he said. The gentleman is today more than 90 years old.
REVIEW EDITOR: A friend of mine in
mattachine REVIEW
South Australia referred me to you. Please tell me how I can become a subscriber to your publication. Mr. H. K., Australia REVIEW EDITOR: While in Europe this past month I was given a copy of a book They Walk In Shadow" which mentions your Society and its work toward effecting changes in the law in this country. As you know, Europe after the war has seen great advances made in the realm of liberalizing laws concerning the sex life of individuals.-Mr. J. V. B., Texas
REVIEW EDITOR: I found your advertise
ment in Realife Guide and wish to subscribe.-Mr. W. F., Province of Quebec
REVIEW EDITOR: How much would it cost me to have some questions answered that I have on homosexuality?-Mr. H. Y., Indlana
EDITOR'S NOTE: We shall endeavor to answer your questions if we can, otherwise we shall refer you to a book source of Information, or an expert to handle your individual problems. For our part, there is no charge.
Letters from readers are solicited for publication in this regular monthly department. They should be short and all must be signed by the writer. Only initials of the writer and the state or country of residence will be published. Opinion expressed in published letters need not necessarily reflect that of the REVIEW or the Mattachine Society. No names of individuals will be exchanged for correspondence purposes.
CALLING SHOTS was omitted from this issue. But in February, this popular feature will report on a homosexual purge at the University of Michigan, and analyze a recent California State Supreme Court decision which affects the operation of "gay bars."
THE ANNUAL INDEX FOR 1959 is now on the press and will be mailed to subscribers with the February issue. Readers who purchase the REVIEW from newsstands and bookstores may get copies of the index by mailing 25 cents in coin to the Review's San Francisco publication office.
NEWSSTAND READERS have in some cases inquired about the folder of modern poems, "5x4," which was a supplement to the December issue. This feature was mailed to subscribers only, and not included in newsstand copies. Non-subscribers may get a copy of this folder of eight pages of modern poems for 25c. PUBLICATIONS CATALOG for 1960 is now printed. Send a post card for a free copy. It lists capsule contents for all back issues of the REVIEW, shows illustrations of all magazine covers since the first issue in January 1955. Also listed are descriptions and prices of all Mattachine publications now available, and prices of bound volumes of the magazine, etc.